Monday, January 11, 2010

Guess who doesn't get the hang of the whole "blogging" thing?

That would be me!
You wouldn't believe what's happened in my life since my last post. It would take forever to try and explain... so maybe some bullet points?

- Michael, the first boyfriend. He taught me a lot, and while it didn't work out, I learned a lot about myself from the experience.
- Last marching band season. Bittersweet ending to a great 4 years. I have loved every minute of my time with the band, including 4 trips to the Las Vegas Bowl. It got a little straining towards the end, trying to keep up with school and everything, but I wouldn't change anything. BYU football rocks!
- School, school, school. School kind of kicked me in the butt this fall. I got buried deep into late work and couldn't get myself out. So I add an extra semester before I graduate..not too bad of a consequence, but slightly annoying as I saw all of my friends go off to start student teaching without me.
- Mission papers. The mission has been in and out of my life for about the past year. It's been one crazy ride trying to get them turned in, including the stake loosing my medical and dental records. At this particular moment, they're on hold. I feel like I need to finish school and concentrate on my teaching.
-Best for last, Brady! He is the current boyfriend, and I couldn't be happier. We met (ironically) first in Greece while he was still on his mission and I was doing study abroad. But we met officially at band camp, and once I decided to take notice of him, the rest is history! We've had a few ups and downs, but overall we're both doing well, and happy.

Now I'm in my last semester on campus, and for the first time since getting into my major, I am taking some fun classes! I'm feeling optimistic about the semester, and know that I'm where I'm supposed to be right now. As for what te future holds, I'm not sure, but that's ok. I'm looking into getting an internship for my first year of teaching, where I could get half salary and some benefits.
So that's the brief overview of my life since June. Life is great, and I can't wait to move forward!
(I feel like I just wrote a Christmas card...haha)
Good luck to all of you :D

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Blogging.... I should be better

Life is good.
I love classical music, especially songs I played in band.
I love football and marching band. I want it to be September.
I can't believe I graduate in April and that I'm a senior in college. Weird...
There's still so much for me to learn. Bring it on.
Star Trek... Wow. I'm a nerd :)
I'm a fan of the beautiful weather we're having right now.
I'm getting a car soon.
I have a decent job that I don't mind doing and pays the bills.
Basically, nothing is feeling wrong at the moment. YES!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Selfish List of Movies I Want

Hunchback of Notre Dame
Beauty and the Beast
Swiss Family Robinson
Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Harry Potter 5,6,7,8
Star Wars 1,2,4,5,6
X-Men 2,3
The Three Muskateers
The 1oth Kingdom
Star Trek Voyager Seasons 1-7
Remember the Titans
A Walk to Remember
Groundhog Day
Sister Act 2
Muppet Treasure Island
Miracle on 34th Street

Friday, September 19, 2008


Somedays we forget
To look around us
Somedays we can't see
The joy that surrounds us
So caught up inside ourselves
We take when we should give.

So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be.
And on this day we hope for
What we still can't see.
It's up to us to be the change
And even though we all can still do more
There's so much to be thankful for.

Look beyond ourselves
There's so much sorrow
It's way too late to say
I'll cry tomorrow
Each of us must find our truth
It's so long overdue

So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be
And every day we hope for
What we still can't see
It's up to us to be the change
And even though we all can still do more
There's so much to be thankful for.

Even with our differences
There is a place we're all connected
Each of us can find each other's light

So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be
And on this day we hope for
What we still can't see
It's up to us to be the change
And even though this world needs so much more

There's so much to be thankful for

Monday, July 21, 2008

I am hoping to bring this blog back to life

I've been a terrible person, and neglected my blog. Here I am, halfway through the summer semester, home from a trip to Europe, and no one seems to know. life is on constant GO. I go to class, I go to work, I go to class again, I go to ward activities and fhe, I do homework, and then somewhere along the line I try to sleep. I'm feeling better than I ever have though. I had an awesome experience in Europe, and I felt my confidence grow significantly. I am now a Gospel Doctrine teacher, and for the first time in my life, I'm not nervous to teach my peers. I feel like I can sing more confidently in front of people. I can make time for everything, even when it feels like I really can't. I for once have a great roommate that I can work happily with. cleaning the apartment and making dinners together, and the occasional movie. I am ready to accept my social situation. whether or not boys pay attention to me or not. I am ready to put my heart and soul into the marching band season, and cheer the BYU cougars to an undefeated football season :) I can take control of my life, and be happy about it, and confident in the person I am. I have a good life..I am blessed beyond belief. I have an amazing family that supports me in everything I do, and knows that I am doing the best I can. I have things I can work on, just like everyone else, like a coherent thought every once in a while, unlike this random spewing of thoughts, or my art skills, which need to be drastically improved. I'm still working on smiling more and being social, happily. I need to accept who I am, and trust in God's plan for me.

Life is what I make it...and I am happy.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I'm so excited!!!!

Europe is getting closer and closer! My class ended, and my one easy final is also over. We got all of our travel gear, and I am so ready to go. Who needs finals anyway..haha.

In other news.....not much going on. Been on a couple of dates lately, nothing too exciting. I set up one of my friends on a date with another friend completely on accident...long story, but funny.

Sad that I'll be changing lives soon. I'll move out, my roommate is graduating, my brother is graduating, and I'm off to Europe. But I am ready for fact, I'm excited about it. This semester has really opened my eyes in a lot of ways. I learned a lot about myself. So I say BRING IT ON!!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Soon to become..

Travelings of a College Girl!!!!!

Yesiree, exactly one month from today, I will be in EUROPE!!! This will be the place to check for updates and pictures of what I am doing. I'm not sure how often I will be able to post, but I will certainly try.

Countdown....30 Days!